Mostly it was there for security; Dexter's remarkable memory enabled him to recall all information almost instantaneously.
The lower memory clock frequency may also enable power reductions in applications that do not require the highest available data rates.
Thereafter his unfailing memory enabled him to recall the significance of the details.
Semantic memory enables an individual to know information, including information about their selves, without having to consciously recall the experiences that taught them such knowledge.
Sarah's retentive memory enabled her to recite the message verbatim.
A retentive memory enabled him to recall an immense number of passages, especially from Shakespeare.
Although he's been no help up to now, Glenn's photographic memory does enable them to find the cave where the gold is hidden.
Handy's remarkable memory enabled him to recall and transcribe the music heard in his travels.
Declarative memory uses your medial temporal lobe and enables you to recall the telephone number at will.
Iconic memory enables integrating visual information along a continuous stream of images, for example when watching a movie.