Old-timers used citronella, and even memories of its smell evoke a thousand echoes.
The memories evoke a level of emotion that could play a determining role in today's outcome.
The memory had evoked such strong emotion that he had been unwilling to sit still, to confront it.
Even this body's memories, impressions and thoughts now evoked in him the same revulsion as the body itself.
These memories, Gretzky said, evoke feelings that are difficult to express.
But now the memory deliberately evoked had completed its exorcism.
Ms. Cohen's memories of her native country still evoke mixed feelings.
Still, the memory, combined with more recent events, evoked the response from his heart.
He let his words trail off, embarrassed by the scope of emotion that memory evoked.
The book tells the tale of the drive to Margate and the memories evoked on the way.