A memory play - "truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion" - was about to come to light.
What began to emerge was an operatic memory play, with nearly the entire story told in song.
Once in a while you're lucky enough to read a book that compels you to ask questions: What part does memory play in grief?
Should anyone wamt tp forget about the American theater's first memory play, it won't be easy.
But his story is as much a memory play as Williams's.
"The Glass Menagerie," we are told at the outset, is a memory play.
It is a memory play told from the point of view of the adult Michael Evans, the narrator.
And since he grew up in Washington, near the hospital, it also becomes a memory play, which covers 45 years.
Structurally, the work borrows, in very conventional ways, from the old-fashioned memory play.
As its title suggests, "Souvenir" is a memory play.