His memory restored, Flinx is able to contact Teacher and leave the troubled world of Jast.
With Asta's memory restored, her full powers are unleashed and she creates an energy beam to fight off the bugs.
But immediately his new memory corrected him: modern science/magic could restore a eunuch, or convert a man to a woman and back.
"They now have their minds and memories restored," the Dragon continued.
Why did Odrade want his original memories restored so quickly?
He drops hints about the car, hoping that those memories will return the old Henry and restore their relationship.
His memories and sanity restored by the battle, Necrid closed the entrance to the void, trapping himself within.
Ancestral memories nonetheless restored, the multi-ethnic crowd recited verses, sang and generally had a very good time.
The memory restored Orne's sense of balance, brought a grin to his face.
Emma would soon be herself again, memory restored.