The MiKo can also be customized with processor, hard drive and memory upgrades.
Other available peripherals included a printer, mouse, and memory upgrades.
Users of the time had the option of buying a memory upgrade from Bung and other re-sellers.
It was reworked in some areas and contains additional circuitry, permitting memory upgrades.
After a hefty memory upgrade, our computers can still run as slowly as ever.
Fill all your computer needs, including hardware, software, memory upgrades, peripherals and networking equipment.
But for everyone else, who is going to troubleshoot the printers, install memory upgrades, and set up small-office networks?
A memory upgrade is required, but the hard disk is sufficient for the foreseeable future.
A memory upgrade for the U50 is rumored to exist in Japan at an extremely high price.
A memory upgrade can be done in a half hour or less.