The view of those who criticize this continuing "men-only" policy is that it is discriminatory and oppressive.
Others, like Mickelson, could object to Augusta's men-only policy, which is so defiantly gripped by the club's leaders.
The finding was overturned in the High Court in 2005, and again in the Supreme Court in 2009, allowing the club to keep its men-only policy.
The forced end of the bar's men-only policy was really "a small thing" for women, Ms. Shaum said.
Concerned for her friends' safety, Leela attempts to enlist, but she is unable to do so with the Army's men-only policy.
I doubt that Professor Alderman seriously thinks women would be in danger of harassment at the Garrick when he defends their men-only policy.
The national organizations of these groups scrapped their men-only policies and encouraged the admission of women, but let each chapter determine its membership.
Like Ms. Shannon, Lowell Greenbaum, chairman of the local Democratic Party, says he is bothered by the men-only policy.
In 1969 a group of prominent local women staged a sit-in which resulted in the restaurant abandoning its men-only policy.
In 1988, the Washington, D.C., Human Rights Office ruled that there was probable cause to believe that the club's men-only policy violated the city's anti-discrimination law.