Encountering McElroy in the hallway and observing him at the counsel table, Davis found his menacing attitude unnerving.
The Emperor remained motionless for some time, his hand lifted up, his eyes fixed on the Admiral, who still retained his menacing attitude.
His hand was lifted in a menacing attitude.
In particular, Mr. Bruguière said he had detected a "much more menacing attitude" that could make it much easier for Al Qaeda to sign up new recruits.
It shambles forward and presses close to the outer circle, in a menacing attitude.
"Thank God," cried La, and started to approach the altar, but paused before the menacing attitude of the growling lion.
The redoubtable chief stood in menacing attitude, with his eighteen-foot spear poised; his warriors stood massed at his back, armed for battle, their faces eloquent with their long-cherished loathing for white men.
Furthermore, the menacing attitude taken by the North Korean authorities towards neighbouring democracies, especially Japan and South Korea, extends to the entire region the threat posed by this dangerous regime.
However, the menacing attitude assumed by the British Fleet assured his release.
Ahmed III cultivated good relations with France, doubtless in view of Russia's menacing attitude - in fact, both his wives were Frenchwomen.