Every death in "The Truth About Charlie" is presented as tragic, even those of its more menacing characters.
Accordingly, the appeal against conviction was "allowed on the basis that this 'tweet' did not constitute or include a message of a menacing character".
"Vexx" features a comic-bookish character of the same name, partly adorable and partly menacing.
This probably explains why military people are so often used nowadays when the script calls for dark, menacing, psychopathic characters.
Phil had become a darker and more menacing character during the previous year, and five characters were suspected of being responsible.
Principal players in place, the plot builds up a good head of psychological steam, managing to make the apartment itself a menacing character.
He is shown to be a much more menacing character than in The Blood Gulch Chronicles.
Many menacing characters have redeeming features, and are not firmly defined as antagonists.
Nettie also stars as a much more menacing and manipulative character, not to mention her newfound distinguishing accent.
No doubt the significance of the line would have been understood immediately by the first readers as a reference to a menacing character in contemporary popular culture.