LUBAVITCH ON THE PALISADES Hanukkah celebration, with menorah lighting, dancing, snacks and a magic show.
It alerts the community to follow Santa Claus in the parade to "the Village Hall where the menorah lighting will take place."
Also on the schedule is a concert by the Mount St. Ursula Gospel Choir, a performance by the group Umoja, which will sing "Noel" and "Lift Every Voice" and a menorah lighting.
The show will be preceded at 2 o'clock by menorah lighting, dreidl games and a crafts workshop.
A menorah lighting takes place Dec. 23 to 30 at 5:15 P.M.; (617) 424-1190.
Ms. Romaine had just finished a three-way menorah lighting by telephone with her sister and mother.
Each year, the House of Commons of the United Kingdom holds a menorah lighting at the home of the Speaker of the House of Commons.
CLOSTER MUNICIPAL BUILDING Hanukkah Celebration, featuring a menorah lighting, music, dancing, snacks and a magic show.
At 7:30, there will be a menorah lighting followed by a Hanukkah dinner.
Mr. Bloomberg, by contrast, has had only a handful of public appearances; he has held four news conferences to announce appointments, has made three trips and attended a menorah lighting here, a handshake with a legislator there.