The New Standard reports that Matthews's court declaration about Hamdan described him as "particularly susceptible to mental coercion and false confession", because of the conditions of his detention.
Should you attempt to subvert our human friends through mental coercion, we will destroy you without a second's hesitation.
During the early years of the cold war, C.I.A. trainers taught physical torture techniques, and it is only since the mid-1980's that the agency's rules have excluded training in mental torture and psychological coercion.
He criticizes Rawls for giving priority to the narrower, traditional conception of liberty - freedom from physical or mental coercion.
You know how the Rowan feels about mental coercion.
One of the older Healers speculates that her soul has 'gone somewhere,' perhaps trying to escape some kind of mental coercion.
He was a leading force against the use of physical and mental coercion of criminal suspects.
Articles 171 and 172 provide harsher penalties for Rape and Violent Sexual Actions (including physical or mental coercion) against juveniles.
At present there is no mental coercion from the Others or from the Children.
But Onot fought stubbornly against his mental coercion.