"The goal is to minimize both visual and mental distractions," said Gloria Bergquist, vice president of the alliance.
Decker rubbed his eyes and realized that his mental distraction had obscured a rather significant headache.
It is the mental distraction that largely accounts for the increased risk.
The mental distraction can hinder productive communication.
Mental distraction Some people find mental distraction helpful for delaying things.
I drew in agitated breath and looked around for mental distraction.
He had worked too hard, come too far, to fall prey suddenly to some sort of arcane mental distraction.
He tensed his jaw muscles and kept working, using the task as a mental distraction.
Often, the motivation is to achieve consistency in dynamic range for a set of data, signals, or images to avoid mental distraction or fatigue.
The course looks more like a theme park, but the structures serve as mental distractions.