It has worked on projects concerning issues such as antenatal care, childhood obesity, long-term health conditions and mental healthcare.
The band formed in 2000, naming themselves after a 1930s paper on the state of mental healthcare in the United States.
The Retreat still provides mental healthcare for the population of York and the wider community.
A new "comprehensive approach" to mental healthcare will also form part of Wales' plans.
Providing mental healthcare in Montana presents many barriers.
This project will continue and expand upon this work by expanding access to mental healthcare in rural Montana communities.
A second example refers to the introduction of a new reimbursement policy in mental healthcare in the Netherlands.
The Retreat states that it provides mental healthcare that is unique to the person and values highly its original ethos.
Small and medium enterprises and mental healthcare also continue to play an important role in the local economy.
She started her career in Academia and the non-profit sector in mental healthcare.