It was fortunate, Harry thought, to be dealing with a man so well versed in mental quirks.
In response to some mental quirk, the hunted man paused at the sidewalk to look back.
Indeed, the powerful Sorceresses of the dense, barely habitable jungles had parlayed their mental quirks into political influence.
What his mental quirks are.
There are very frighten-ing things in this world of ours, mental quirks, mental disease or deformity of a brain.
Whether this mental quirk is the result of sheer exhaustion from ferrying my 4-year-old to so many celebrations, I cannot say.
Doctor Lukens had been well acquainted with his patient's mental quirks.
"Your particular mental quirk is far from rare, Conway," the Tralthan went on, slipping into its lecturing voice.
For instance, you might be asked to write down a physical or mental quirk that someone might exhibit at a party.
However, his plans are often spoiled by his mental quirks.