Yet, even behind his physical strength, his mental vigor lagged.
Though mental vigour waned, certain desirable characteristics were consolidated.
Down to the summer of 1874 Guizot's mental vigour and activity were unimpaired.
This quiet, concentrated mental vigour, I saw, was what had turned a good actor into a mega-star.
There are many men of equal bodily and mental vigor who have not achieved a tithe of his accomplishment.
With good luck a man can live to be well over a hundred years of age-but his mental and physical vigor is gone at seventy.
He appeared to lose at once all courage and all bodily and mental vigour.
Vajpayee's age, failing health and diminished physical and mental vigour were obvious factors in such speculation.
His father was a semi-invalid; but Tom possessed all the mental vigor and muscular energy that a young man should have.
Walbach possessed mental and physical vigor until an advanced age.