Squinting at the sun again, he mentally noted the proper directions for north, south, east, and west.
Atkill mentally noted that the ships must have exceedingly poor control on landing.
He mentally noted the four guards as yet another obstacle in the path of making a fast getaway when the time came.
And I won't have to fork out a second deposit for somewhere more useful, she noted mentally.
It was a simple matter for Slade to mentally note both men's descriptions and names.
She mentally noted that the supply shelves were fully stocked and efficiently arranged.
Dainyl mentally noted the order in which Jonyst had mentioned the two items.
Blade mentally noted this as suggesting a high level of training among this Dimension's warriors.
He mentally noted to return and check the gravesite later.
Doesn't get on with stepfather, McLeish noted mentally, listening to the colour in her voice.