Yates made it a question, but he was already mentally running through the logistics.
Kindan asked, mentally running through the small list of secrets he'd discovered about other people.
Many street children run away from their families after they were being abused physically and mentally.
He mentally ran over the trap they were setting for Jormin again.
She still felt sick, mentally running through all the Judge's acquaintances, the neighbors, anyone whom he wouldn't hesitate to let into the house.
Laurence was mentally running the calculation through in his head.
The woman stared into space for a moment as she mentally ran that through her files.
Jethri frowned, mentally running through the manifests he had studied.
If you mentally run through the alphabet, the name will often be remembered by its first letter.
Tom mentally ran over the days of the week, and then quickly lifted his eyes with a startled look in them -- "My!