Any submitted textbook which does not mention several atrocities committed by Japan during the World War II cannot pass this vetting process. .
I asked Darko about politics, mentioning that I had been attending opposition rallies and heard a couple of speakers who dared to mention Serbian atrocities in Kosovo.
Even though the Isaaq engage in all the above mentioned atrocities in the SSC land, yet the fact of the matter is that the one clan secessionists loosely control a small part of SSC territory, 95% of the SSC territories are under the control of the SSC people.
The Tigers' involvement in the above mentioned atrocities, however, cost them the loss of the Iqlim al-Kharrub to the LNM-PLO alliance in January 1976, which they failed to defend despite being backed by ISF units and Lebanese Army ground forces.
Also that "my men" in the Allgemeine-SS (general SS) did not mention atrocities when home from "front leave".
But by never mentioning anti-Croatian atrocities by Serbian Chetniks during the war or by Communists then and later, you show anti-Croatian prejudice or lack of knowledge.
They said it should have explained how the United States entered the war and should have mentioned Japanese atrocities during the war.
The Ministry of Education vets all history textbooks, and those that do not mention Japanese war crimes and atrocities are not vetted; however, the Atarashii Rekishi Kyōkasho de-emphasises aggressive Japanese Imperial wartime behaviour and the matter of Chinese and Korean comfort women.