Some organizations or movements mentioned herein have evolved over the years, as has the surrounding culture, and no longer experience the opprobrium they did at the time particular literary works about them (or literary works by their founders or members) originated.
(For directions on how to get to the shops and markets mentioned herein, see "Roads to Rags and Riches," page TK.)
The three constituent communities mentioned herein were amalgamated with Königstein as part of Hesse's municipal reforms in 1972.
While all of the documented cases mentioned herein help popularize the move, especially B-Boy Ivan, there is in particular a battle between Soul Control and a temporary super crew known as the Flying Tortillas.
Anybody mentioned herein will be identified elsewhere for years in yellowing clips as "mentioned for Vice President."
It might be noted that ch'a shu, the art of tea mentioned herein, is an ancient forebear of the Japanese tea ceremony, chatwyu.
The newsletter does print a disclaimer noting that "personnel associated with SGA may own shares in the companies mentioned herein or may act as consultants thereto."
He pointed to a disclaimer on the newsletter that said, among other things, that "personnel associated with SGA may own shares in the companies mentioned herein or may act as consultants thereto."
The lyric poet mentioned herein is Simonides of Ceos (sixth - fifth centuries BC).
I have not discussed these cases with anybody mentioned herein, many of whom I know well, and am not clearing this with any lawyers.