He mentioned his support for civil rights, civil liberties and free-market solutions to most economic problems.
He was reminded of that unfortunate incident, and this pleased him greatly, for it gave him another chance to mention his support of the government.
I'm responding to you, although several people have mentioned Hitler's "popular support".
He mentioned Mr. Giuliani's support of abortion rights and some forms of gun control.
The party always counts on her to do her partisan duty, and she is not expected to mention her support for abortion rights directly.
I will mention at the outset your enthusiastic support for the Treaty of Lisbon.
Wen briefly mentioned the government's continued support towards the development of traditional Chinese medicine and its important role in health care.
And I've not mentioned the party's support for the Human Rights Act, largely because it defies parody, let alone analysis.
He is quick to mention his support for the Gramm-Rudman budget-balancing bill.