The ABA was mentioned only obliquely and incidentally, which had been the case for the previous year and a half.
In an echo of last year's royal reticence, the anniversary was mentioned only obliquely at Crathie Church today.
A tacit understanding, accepted by many visiting journalists, was that there were aspects of Mr. Hussein's Iraq that could be mentioned only obliquely.
It's just that accidents can-and have ..." He paused, wondering if he should have obliquely mentioned the tragic circumstance of her sire's death. "
Brown gave his tragic hero a pedigree related to that of the actual German author Christoph Martin Wieland, who is mentioned obliquely in the text:
Herring's involvement is only mentioned obliquely.
This conflict is obliquely mentioned in the famous Chronicle of Prince Osorkon at Karnak.
The Sixth Doctor manages to defeat his plans, and Davros is last heard when his ship explodes, an event obliquely mentioned in Revelation.
Several times, significant events are obliquely mentioned without any explanation of what made them important.
The crystal spear thrower played a role in the first three novels; it was mentioned obliquely in the prequel trilogy.