The menu caters for every taste with options ranging from designer crepes and pancakes, to burgers and steaks to desserts.
The extensive menu caters to vegetarians and vegans as well as carnivores but, as in any place with a big menu, the daily specials are always a good idea.
The restaurant is not suitable for small children; a menu at the bar caters for them.
The children's menu caters to the young and finicky with chicken fingers, hamburgers and hot dogs.
The comprehensive menu caters to most tastes with every-thing from panini and ice cream to pizza, pasta and steaks.
But the menu does not cater to impecunious undergrads seeking creative uses for Tater Tots.
The menu caters to vegetarians, vegans and the wheat- or dairy-compromised.
Similarly, the menu, from salads, sandwiches and burgers to turkey saltimbocca - the same for either area - caters to a broad range of tastes.
Its décor is a contemporary take on traditional brasserie-style and the easygoing menu caters to all tastes, including those whose buds go wild over bottomless plates of oysters.
The menu also caters for vegetarians, offering 30 meat-free dishes.