The largest continent, Haven's continent, is briefly explored in the menu page like a video, when it repeats the planets at a different phase.
Nero is the opposite: I could move everything on the menu page, and loop in video and audio.
And then when you're on the menu page there's a little bar at the bottom that's an ad.
This egg, like all others on DVD's, can be retrieved from the on-screen menu pages by using the remote control.
From the film's menu page, select Special Features, then More.
It takes up two of the three menu pages.
Only a few menu pages have to do with food.
On our first visit to Poon we noted on the bottom of each menu page: "Minimum 15 percent is mandatory for gratuity.
Whole menu pages are dedicated to various green tea, coffee and chocolate drink concoctions.
The AIS section is broken down into nine different sections on its own menu page.