The tasting menu starts with chickpeas braised with cumin and herbs.
The menu starts at $90 a person.
But in recent years, more innovative menus have started to appear, thanks largely to the new hotels.
His menu will start in September.
But the menu starts brashly, with a page of special rolls listed on attention-grabbing colored paper even before the appetizers.
The menu starts with salads and flows seamlessly through large appetizers, a couple of which can make a meal, into main courses.
Eating Agora restaurant is brightly coloured; menus start at £9 and justify their prices.
Does this mean that I Trulli's menu will start edging up the Apennines?
His menu of seven desserts starts with two multipart affairs.
A full menu, available 24 hours, started this month, and there is a restaurant, Nightlife.