And I was back in the bright room under the merciless lights.
The candle shone on it brightly with a merciless white light.
I turned to a smiling Ganelon, his beard and wild hair molten in the merciless light.
The flame going out of them leaving only a cold merciless green light, like the beautiful spark in the depths of a great emerald.
He stood in the merciless light of the sun, his head tipped back and his eyes closed.
The merciless light pushed down from all directions; the sun was the whole sky.
Most of all, you want to understand the merciless light in his pictures, which seems to sear the people who defiantly expose themselves to it.
Supine, my hands warm in mitts, eyes guarded against a merciless light, I considered.
So he reached the edge of the shadows - beyond which lay only the merciless light of the gate.
Her skin was ghastly under the merciless fluorescent lights.