Giles Coren, restaurant critic of The Times, described him in 2005 as being "...a young chef of mercurial genius...".
He was in love with this mercurial little genius, but he was also perplexed by her unorthodox behavior, and the very fact that she had stayed with him so willingly, almost without his asking, made him suspicious of her motives.
Krishnankutty Poduval, a mercurial genius, had more than once quit Kalamandalam following differences with its authorities.
The documentary is grainy, as was Mingus (1922-1979) himself: a tangled, mercurial and often misunderstood musical genius who is known today primarily as a seminal bass player, but whose compositions are the primary focus of this film.
As a reluctant math prodigy working as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Damon lives up to his abundant hype; as the savvy psychotherapist who locks horns with this mercurial genius, Robin Williams has the rare serious role that takes full advantage of his talents.
Sneijder is a mercurial genius who can turn a game especially a big game like a derby.
John Beck of The Press Democrat observed that the biography "paints him [Morrison] as a mercurial genius at best and a cantankerous lout on a bad day".
In Mr. Diamond's universe, Mr. Rosenthal is a mercurial genius, Mr. Frankel is a cautious genius.