Despite the mercurial moods of his father, Paul Jr. was often the favorite.
Without soaring to lofty romantic heights, his music faithfully followed the mercurial moods of the texts.
She stared at his broad back, bewildered by his mercurial moods.
Coleman, with his mercurial moods, is simultaneously the team's greatest hope and its greatest obstacle.
Pug felt uncomfortable, still confused by the girl and her mercurial moods.
The mercurial moods, the streaks of boyish good humor in the sometimes overly serious man?
Suddenly she jumped up, fired by another of her mercurial moods.
Her kisses could change to bites without notice, depending on her mercurial mood.
Whatever was said would be the wrong thing to say, and in tr'Annhwi's present mercurial mood, saying anything at all was downright dangerous.
The Queen was making merry with the two lads, who had apparently adjusted already to her mercurial moods.