He smiled in amusement at the mercurial nature of teenage crushes.
The episode was a reminder of the mercurial nature of a man who likes to have his own way, and usually gets it.
Joe asked, staring up in disbelief at the mercurial nature of his tormentor.
He has a strong, mercurial nature, and a certain underlying dark side, which the kids uncover in the second act of the play.
The mercurial nature of the advertising business is nothing new.
Nothing serious ever made a deep impression on his mercurial nature.
The mercurial nature of the medium is hardly a new subject.
The mercurial nature of the music makes it hard to define a "Strauss soprano."
Given the mercurial nature of politics, that strategy may not last.
Maybe it was the years of experience, or his knowledge of her mercurial nature, that made him hesitate now.