In the James Bay area ecosystem, mercury being released from the decaying flooded trees would be incorporated in trace amounts in zooplankton.
In December 1990, the CBS News television news magazine 60 Minutes aired a segment from Huggins's perspective on the health perils of mercury released from dental amalgam.
Black powder could be effectively ignited by hot mercury released upon decomposition.
Fishermen, their families, and residents of Mwanza City were also test subjects to exhibit the far-reaching effects of the remaining 40% of the mercury released from the mines.
The Electric Power Research Institute estimates that less than 5 percent of the 2,500 tons of mercury released each year comes from the United States.
Despite the almost universal assumption to the contrary, the wastewater treatment facilities installed in December 1959 had no effect on the level of organic mercury being released into the Shiranui Sea.
Haley surmises that mercury released from dental amalgams could be a potential cause of autism and Alzheimer's disease.
Critics of the anti-amalgam view have pointed to a study suggesting the amount of mercury released by fillings during normal use is minuscule and does not represent a threat to health.
This is due to the reduced electrical power demand, reducing in turn the amount of mercury released by coal as it is burned.
The amount of mercury released by one bulb can temporarily exceed U.S. federal guidelines for chronic exposure.