That mere anecdote doesn't matter either way, perhaps, but Siegel doesn't believe we are capable of leaving the life of gossip alone, and goes to extraordinary lengths to prove his point.
Well know very little about fascism by reading DAnunzio or investigating the Futurism movement, mere anecdotes.
Some are mere anecdotes, some are romances in miniature, some are serious, some comic; all are written in a light, smooth, conversational style.
--But for the present we note only two things: the first of them a mere anecdote.
These are not mere anecdotes.
Mr. Shapiro rarely resorts to mere anecdote, and his application of critical techniques to his life story lends credence and depth to his reflections.
But I supply a mere anecdote, and I do not attempt to pass it off as fact.
Mr. Dardis even proposes a theory about publishing and the modernist movement that lifts his book above mere anecdote.
A single case is the equivalent of a mere anecdote, utterly useless in deciding cause and effect.
In the mere hasty anecdote we have now to tell, we shall note in succession five or six stages of this sort.