Indeed, for all the comparisons that this exhibition evokes between sound and image, it also reminds us that the words or pictures we use to try to make music concrete are always, at their very best, mere approximations, intimations, fumbling in the semantic darkness.
Yet Mr. Fisk in his younger years would have shied away from Segovia's arch-Romantic transcriptions (mere approximations in some cases) of works by Haydn, Brahms, Schumann and Franck.
The order and unity of the material world, they believe, is a mere ghostly approximation of the spiritual world, which for many Muslims is the place where the only true reality exists.
It was maddening: so inexact, so imprecise, mere approximations of meaning, images and sensations rather than words, which must be deciphered, which must be interpreted.
The terms I use are at best mere approximations, but none of you is qualified to understand the true symbology of psychohistory, and so I must do the best I can.
Massages, rubdowns, shiatsu, rolfing - all tedious superseded forms of relaxation, mere pale approximations of what we now have available.
Mr. Helfgott's present-day effort, though it shows heart and glimmerings of things that once were, is a mere approximation of a multifaceted masterwork.
Calculations result in mere approximations, and "when we try to extend calculation backward more than five million years, the results become chaotic and useless," Dr. Olsen said.
And yet, like Max Planck, he had always felt uncomfortable with its implications, insisting that the Copenhagen rules of probabilistic nature must be mere crude approximations of the real patterns governing the world.
(All printed forms of the alien language used throughout this book are similarly to be treated as mere approximations.)