It's not by mere association that the Group Theater of the 1930's comes to mind.
Since the mere association of words will not unambiguously point to meaning, the words need to be set down in a particular arrangement.
Wales is another country where church membership is becoming a mere nominal association.
Indictment by mere association is as bad as racism.
Hoveida became a Freemason in 1960 believing that his mere association with the organization would help propel him into the national spotlight.
The mere association of her as an ornament, with all the ornament and pomp about him, may have been sufficient.
Even pimps got lonely, Kelly thought, and though they sought out their own kind, theirs was not friendship but mere association.
Some of the 151 were already being denied employment because of their political beliefs, history, or mere association with suspected "subversives".
The society was not to be a mere association of priests, but a new religious congregation, bound by simple vows.
The accident wasn't her fault, but Rose's mere association with it has tainted her in the eyes of the townspeople.