She said this as though she had told me a mere bagatelle.
Buyers who want what Reatta offers may consider that a mere bagatelle.
What we are already experiencing is but nothing, a mere bagatelle, when compared with what is to come.
For him, 40 years is a mere bagatelle.
Four lines, a mere bagatelle, but A let me point out to you the succinct phrase "at all costs" without dwelling upon it.
Sir Hector," he said, dismissing this brave action as a mere bagatelle.
Still, this is a mere bagatelle compared to the hazard of being enclosed in a shelter with certain other umbrella-wielders.
To anyone unfamiliar with the organization of benefits, this may seem a mere bagatelle.
He realized that two miles a minute was a mere bagatelle to the pace now accomplished by the runaway locomotive.
A mere bagatelle - but if he had not been in the billiard room - who knows?