Another occurrence, monotonous in its regularity, was the lengthening of the nights, till day became a mere blink of light between the darkness.
Arrhenius calculated that spores could drift to Alpha Centauri in around nine thousand years-a mere cosmic blink of the eye.
Exit from the menu, and a whole graph presently portrayed in one form is redrawn in another form automatically, at a mere blink of the screen.
Walker felt her question as a real physical blow, but it registered on his face as a mere blink.
An agreement was drawn up a year later, then a year after that (a mere blink of an eye in government time) a prototype website was unveiled.
I have seen how well humans go from an idea to practical application in the mere blink of an eye.
And then, in the mere blink of an eyelid, he had comfort and security. . . and specialisation.
In the very long scale of history, Hong Kong as we know it today has existed for a mere blink of an eye.
'In the mere blink of an eye,' affirmed the monk.
That lasted a mere blink of an eye by our standards.