Their eyes were mere centimeters from each other.
He knew Pancho was mere centimeters from him; so were the air tanks.
His breath caught as he found himself lookingdown at a Power, mere centimeters away.
As he did, a gout of mud erupted mere centimeters from his hand.
Sam's hunger vanished and he stopped instantly, his hand mere centimeters from the kitchen door.
The patient's measured blood loss, a mere 75 cubic centimeters, easily tolerated.
He crept to a point mere centimeters away from where the tunnel took a sharp turn to the left.
The tundra surface, the free air, might be a mere ten centimeters overhead.
Her tightly wound bun of hair was mere centimeters from his face.
Death is waiting a mere few centimeters from you, on the other side of this spacecraft's thin metal skin.