"To think we have been forgotten in a mere century."
After all, why do pirates come now, a mere century after the blessed day the Egg emerged?
I could manage time-diving not quite two million years back and about six thousand, a mere sixty centuries, forward.
And now was it possible for them to die out in the course of a mere half century?
It was a small pile, to be sure, but how much could a dragon hoard in a mere century of life?
The oldest was more than three thousand years old; the youngest a mere century and a half.
This small evolutionary step of 'industrial melanism' was taken in a mere century.
I imagine your 1944 friends in the Palaeocene could have devised such a vessel a mere century or two after we left them.
If we are to be immortal, what is the significance of a mere century?
With a life span of a mere two centuries at best, there was small hope they could take it in the future.