Just by mere contemplation one would beget desired results.
This is, to be sure, an unanswerable question, yet its mere contemplation provides intellectual pleasure, as well as insight into this music.
But you may at least, by mere contemplation, grasp more constantly and firmly the significance of your calculations.
I suggest that some people will go mad at its mere contemplation.
The mere contemplation of such things is most unpleasant, and caused a slight flux in my motor function.
I require action instead of mere contemplation.
Reality considered partially unfolds, in its own general unity, as a pseudo-world apart, an object of mere contemplation.
An intense thrill shakes him at the mere contemplation of taking her beauty from her.
But comforting in the mere contemplation.
The mere contemplation of a day spent on line at the department is enough to twist my stomach muscles into a corkscrew.