Velocity checked to the merest crawl, as space-speeds go, and with electro-magnetic detector screens full out, the Nevian vessel crept toward our sun.
Though a mere crawl in comparison with her inconceivable intergalactic speed, her present pace was such that the stars sped past in flaming lines of light.
Francis slowed the car to a mere crawl as a bunch of revelers ran across the road ahead.
As a matter of fact the lifeboat was coming in at less than one light; the merest crawl, as space-speeds go.
He was frantic now, wanting to urge Herald Sharissa to greater speed, then wanting to beg her to hold back to a mere crawl.
His boat was well out in the Sound, its motor throttled down to make its speed a mere crawl.
Gabriel slowed Sunshine down to the merest crawl.
A mental communication in the form of words, quick, almost instantaneous, organic transmission against which that of supra-radio was the merest crawl.
There was no verbal communication-only mental communion, quick, almost instantaneous organic transmission against which even ultra-radio was the merest crawl.
There was no verbal communication, only mental communion in the form of words; quick, almost instantaneous, organic transmission against which even supra-radio was the merest crawl.