The thought of a human bond, but not mere monetary gain, was the source of contentment on display.
She'd heard it in the Academy, whispered by people who were appalled by what it represented: a depth of betrayal so unfathomable as to work toward the destruc- tion of the human species for mere gain.
I may be wrong, but you don't look to me the sort of man who would do this dirty trick for mere gain.
Finally, the United States is China's most important bilateral partner, and China seems unlikely to pursue a strategic confrontation for mere monetary gain.
And there were many more winners in the overall market than had been the case on Wednesday, when the Dow managed a mere 4.15-point gain.
This aspect of his people, the calculated killing for mere political gain, seemed pointless to him.
The only exemption would be if the gun was used for "mere personal monetary gain," as in a robbery.
Would Atvar be content if presented with a mere strategic gain rather than said head?
Mr Donovan's mere financial gain will probably make little difference to him and it is debatable whether his name 'has been cleared once and for all' as it did not need clearing in the first place.
What if the war were being waged by legitimate authority but without just cause: against other Christians and for mere territorial gain?