The echoes measured the darkness, bouncing back as mere ghosts of their former strength.
Whatever it was, it was no mere ghost, not as she and Sarah knew the things.
The hotel in which he had begun life so hopefully was now a mere ghost of what a hotel should be.
Black Moon was the merest shadowy ghost of a disk in the western sky.
It was the merest ghost of a sound he had heard, but he must go after it!
The city looked like a mere ghost of the thriving metropolis it had been when he and Gotrek first arrived.
The Schema and the time-table hung in the darkness like the mere ghosts of themselves.
But by now the light and heat had dimmed to mere ghosts of their full selves.
Soon this evening and the others like it would be mere ghosts.
Kaz did not reply, save for the mere ghost of a nod.