The lights were turned lower until they were a mere crimson glimmer.
The morning was a mere glimmer at the end of the long night when she went to the door to see the men off.
These were mere glimmers of the trendiness - and rising real estate values - to come.
Microsoft, on the other hand, can't stop talking about products that are mere glimmers in someone's eye.
Only the merest glimmer of an eye as they traded demure smiles indicated that anything had gone on at all.
When he came to himself there was perfect silence about him, and utter darkness, but for the merest glimmer in one tiny spot.
If a mere glimmer can be acceptable as potentially useful early science, then the burden of this chapter is to suggest perhaps, yes.
Mr. Bradley tends to leap at the merest glimmer of light.
But he said the merest glimmer of hope was enough to keep him going.
They will pray for the merest glimmer of a recovery.