They are not mere inhabitants, residents of conquered territories.
The landscape only begins to become more mountainous and wooded as we approach Hangzhou, a city of a mere six million inhabitants.
For centuries the city languished with only memories of greatness, its population dwindling to a mere 20, 000 inhabitants by the 1920s.
By 1750 the village had only two inhabited houses, and in 1848 the parish was recorded as having a mere 16 inhabitants.
At the time, New York had a mere 50,000 inhabitants, but its port activity was booming with docks and shipyards.
The city was smaller than Thebes, housing a mere 12,000 inhabitants.
Still, it has helped millions of Venezuelans awaken to the fact that for too many years they have been mere inhabitants of their own country.
An extreme example was the population of the city of Hondschoote, which dropped from 18,000 to a mere 385 inhabitants.
Georgetown is a jaunty city, with a mere 200,000 inhabitants.
Overall it reduced the once thriving Warsaw Jewish community of some 400,000 to a mere 55,000 to 60,000 inhabitants.