Mixed with the desire for mystery, though, is undoubtedly a desire for mere novelty.
Naysayers dismissed it as a mere novelty.
If the stranger knows it and remarks it, it is not because he is smitten with the mere novelty of his view.
So he did, and the result is an album of original songs that might strike some as mere novelties, others as sublime comic gems.
Some skeptics say the partisan games are mere election-year novelties.
That particular act, with roots in scat singing, might seem to verge on mere novelty.
In the manga, Vash uses his unique gun more out of mere novelty and habit.
Vail believed in the future of the telephone though it was then considered a mere novelty by some.
His interest in forgotten composers, for example, extends far beyond mere novelty or shock value.
Yet the real test is whether a prodigy can surmount mere novelty and grow into a mature artist.