I'm sure this is a mere oversight and will be corrected ASAP!
Our lives are totally dependent on an all-or-nothing computer system - quite by the merest oversight.
But I believe that was a mere oversight, sir.
It struck me that it might have been fastened by a mere oversight, so I took out my bunch of keys and tried to open it.
Ford's office called the late filings a "mere oversight", since Ford had filed the required financial disclosure statements for the trips at the time they occurred.
This could be a mere oversight, but it is in keeping with the playwright's aim at an otherworldly reality.
After all,' he threw at her, 'I'm sure it was a mere oversight that they forgot you in the first place.
I don't have authorization for that... but I'm sure that's a mere oversight.
I'm sure this treatment of the inviolate representative of your Groaci allies was a mere oversight.
Bria could only give the papers the merest oversight before she had to sit down.