Siegel's inventions, new and old, are too lovingly done to be mere parody.
The episode goes beyond mere parody of the many show business biography programs, which are often simultaneously weepy and leering.
But these songs never curdle into mere parody.
It was a mere parody of justice.
Because they realize, unconsciously at least, that their lives are mere parodies of what living should be.
They loaded it with insults, which seem to those who read their pamphlets now mere parodies of criticism.
The two series, while on the surface seemed mere parody and humour, contained foreshadowings of what was to come for the characters involved.
But the attempt was a mere parody.
"Yeah..." he said again, and managed a rough bow, mere parody of her smooth perfection.
And this book offers more than a mere parody of conventional psychoanalytic wisdom.