The initial performances took place in 1983, however they stopped playing live for 16 years after a mere four performances.
It was a dismal failure, running for a mere 39 performances.
Where I blame him is that for a mere performance he'll neglect the marvels of life.
The Broadway production closed on March 31 after a mere 17 performances.
The play, however, opened to indifferent notices and ran for a mere three performances.
We want more than the mere performance of mental gymnastics.
But prepare to be frustrated, because 25 years of all-star shows are represented here by a mere 24 performances.
The mere thorough performance of guard and police duties helped the men very rapidly to become soldiers.
It closed after a mere 20 performances on October 29, 1976.
However, relatively few Westerners actually practiced the arts, considering it to be mere performance.