Monsieur had, indeed, too much penetration not to see that his cause was a mere pretext for the powers at war with France.
This, however, was a mere pretext, it was for his anti-monarchical sentiments that he was really prosecuted.
"Kuwait, for you, is a mere pretext."
But that is the merest pretext for Shaw's ever-up-to-date 1909 observations about the clashes of classes, sexes, generations.
Whether Iraq is a "cause" of terror or a mere pretext is a difficult question.
He did not know that the supposed telephone message from Inspector Klein was a mere pretext.
Moreover, I think that what is described as the elimination of a number of abuses is a mere pretext, at best a palliative.
In this context, the establishment of a lasting, transparent and democratic dialogue with civil society cannot be a mere pretext.
Invoking this freedom is a mere pretext.
This and his experience with soundtracks allow him to create themes that are far from mere pretexts for improvisation.