His lung function was impaired now, and the choking coughs merely amplified the pain that now filled every cubic inch of his racked body.
These protesters - most of them young college students - were attacked and beaten on live television by Chicago police, which merely amplified the growing feelings of unrest in the general public.
Skeptics and some supporters believe that dowsing apparatus has no power of its own but merely amplifies slight movements of the hands caused by a phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect: people's subconscious minds may influence their bodies without their consciously deciding to take action.
Two, for Sayce will not stay behind, merely amplifies it.
According to Solzhenitsyn's testimony, Stalin merely amplified a concentration camp system that was already in place.
I'm even more shocked to hear that TTV was going to be self-funding from 2013 anyway - this merely amplifies the shortsightedness of this decision.
Unlike other psychoactive drugs, such as stimulants and opioids, these drugs do not merely amplify familiar states of mind, but rather induce experiences that are qualitatively different from those of ordinary consciousness.
By going with the grain, the actor merely amplifies the prevailing sentimentality.
Induction in a sense goes beyond observations already reported in the premises, but it merely amplifies ideas already known to represent occurrences, or tests an idea supplied by hypothesis; either way it requires previous abductions in order to get such ideas in the first place.
Of course the mojitos ($5) we were sipping, none too sweet with plenty of mint, helped matters considerably, but they merely amplified what we were already feeling.