It merely compounded the tragedy that the plane was on a training flight.
This would merely compound the problem of hoisting the great lateensail and getting the ship sailing again.
These doubts merely compounded the half-elf's other problems.
But by injecting the Council into this issue, this resolution would merely compound the problem.
Accordingly, he did not possess anything in the way of an open mind, with isolation on the estate merely compounding his antiquated views and opinions.
"Tabb's first touchdown run broke our backs, and then the other turnovers merely compounded the situation."
The two fields will not fight, or be mutually antagonistic; they will merely compound their effects.
Adding a hundred women, unused to the sea, to ships, would merely compound our problems.
Uniting them would merely compound their dollar deficits into a larger whole.
The others are here because they have marriage contracts, though for some of them it's merely compounding the original mistake to come along.