This news merely heightens the urgency.
But as already indicated, the context merely heightens the industrial look of Ms. Lorenz's gray concrete.
What she saw merely heightened her sense of looking at a small but perfect college campus, one that merged beautifully with the neighboring village.
The color, whether added before or after the sculptural scrimmage, merely heightens the chaos.
The device is often employed to simulate feelings of paranoia, but in this photographer's hands it merely heightens an image's dramatic possibilities.
The release of someone like Landeta merely heightens the anxiety.
They were a fortunate couple, and they knew it, their sharp differences in political opinion merely heightening their sense of individuality.
But the cramped conditions merely heightened the sense of urgency many students, after years of military training and service, brought to their work.
The incident, one of several bottle-throwing episodes in recent weeks, merely heightened the lieutenant's frustration.
This merely heightened his eagerness for the others and sharpened his frustration that even in Vienna - then at its cultural zenith - one couldn't hear Beethoven's entire symphonic legacy within a reasonable span of time.