That understanding filled her heart with an ache that merely intensified her yearning for him.
It will merely intensify anti-U.S. feelings in and around Nicaragua.
And inform me at your peril that imbibing more alcohol will merely intensify my headache.
In the face of which onrushing intrusion of reality Senzio town merely intensified the already manic pace of its dark hours.
What he found merely intensified his belief in the need for illusion.
But because his jokes assumed that everyone present was familiar with her career, the spoof merely intensified the aura of self-congratulation.
He suddenly discovers to his horror that these old routines, rather than solving his problems, merely intensify them.
It merely intensifies it.
There was a certain reserve in Oscar's manner-and a consequent formality in their exchanges-which merely intensified her feelings for him.
The delay merely intensified the cruel grin he wore.